Category Archives: Blog Post

A Sweet Aroma

My owl “candle” with a tea light in the bottom and scented wax cubes above.

In the mornings, before the bustle begins, I like to light a candle and pour myself a cup of coffee, creating a welcoming and intimate atmosphere for my quiet time with Jesus. Often as I walk through the house […]

Far From Home

My first day in Jakarta, jet-lagged and culture shocked, with Ethan (3 ½) and Ellie (4 months).

In January, on our two year anniversary of living and serving here, a deep homesickness hit me—HARD. This was a different kind of homesickness than what I had periodically experienced since leaving the US. There was […]

On Driving and Thriving: A Letter to my Scooter

Dear Scooter,

We’re such good friends now that this may come as a shock, but here’s the truth.

I didn’t like you at first.

In fact, I fought long, hard and tearfully to keep you out of my life. My husband wanted you from nearly the minute we landed in Indonesia, but not me. People said I’d […]

From ‘Mr. Pilot’ to ‘Friend’

MAF pilots are required to regularly inspect the airstrips where we fly to ensure that our standards for runway maintenance are kept appropriately. Last week I went to Ilu to check over the runway. It’s a nice long runway, but it’s perpendicular to the valley, which means there is a tight little turn at about […]

How Voodoo Taught Me to Cherish Silence

I bolted upright in bed—my heart racing.

Eerie chanting and wailing surrounded our home. I flung off the sheets and ran to the window. A few feet away a crowd of Haitians were singing, swaying, and banging drums. I crawled back to bed, admittedly a little shaken, and stuffed ear plugs in hopes of getting […]

Flip Flopped Focus

Preparing to go back to Indonesia from furlough always proves a hectic time. There are goodbyes to be said, details to be finished and last minute supplies to be bought. This furlough I had a hard time finding shoes to my liking. I love flip flops, but they have to have thick, supportive soles […]