Category Archives: Field Stories

Hospital Rehabilitation

The Cessna Caravan 9Q-CMO arrived at a remote village in western Democratic Republic of the Congo to much fanfare: music, singing, and a greeting by a large delegation. On the plane was a group heading to Wembo-Nyama to visit the Methodist mission hospital.

Among the group was Paul Law, MD, an American doctor who was returning […]

Reconciliation in Eastern Congo

In late January, UK-based Flame International, a ministry that helps the people of Africa find healing and reconciliation after years of violence, sent a team to Boga in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. The people of that area have suffered the effects of a brutal war for over a decade.

Cessna Caravan 9Q-CAU took the […]

Bus Crash in Lesotho

In December, a bus crashed while negotiating Lesotho’s treacherous mountain roads. 7P-CMH and two other MAF Cessna 206s answered the call to come to the remote community of Qacha’s Nek and transport the most critical patients to a better equipped facility.

Seven people were medevaced that day, most of whom suffered broken bones—five of the seven […]

The Prodigal Motorcycle

Nelson, one of our workers at the hangar, had his motorcycle stolen while at church last week. When asked if he was upset, he said, “No, God allowed it to happen and He will resolve the situation.”

Here in Mozambique, the most common brand of “moto” is a Lifo. Nelson’s bike was a […]

Adrenaline High

In almost 70 years of service, MAF has gained a worldwide reputation as a First Responder.

The call came at a bad time. We’d loaded the airplane and buckled in three passengers. I was just climbing into the cockpit.

Pancho hurried up. “Capitán, emergency in Bufeo! Snake bite. Pregnant woman.”

I stopped mid-climb. “How long?”

“Two, maybe […]

Bodies and Souls

We transport a fair amount of bodies in Congo. I would have said passengers, but after someone passes on from this life we call them a body and don’t count their number on the flight manifest.

It occurred to me today, as we transported this body in a casket, with many other items for the funeral […]