Tag Archives: indonesia

Now This is a Field Trip

The landing siren went on as the KODIAK I was in flared across the bottom end of the runway, and then touched down on the rough, grass airstrip of Silimo, Papua. We were the last of 66 students and 10 adults from Hillcrest International School in Papua, Indonesia who were arriving for Outdoor Education (OE).

OE […]

The Blessing of Family

A familiar smile and the embrace I’ve felt hundreds of times, but have missed so much in the past year and a half, were mine to enjoy for the past three weeks as Chris and I had the privilege of welcoming my Mom into our jungle home for a visit. It was fun to […]

Measuring True Impact

When I reflect on 2011 and the kind of work MAF did over the past year, it’s truly amazing. Looking at the amount of things accomplished as a direct result of MAF’s involvement, it’s quite satisfying to see how both the demonstration and proclamation of the Gospel occurred.

The demonstration—the “hands and feet” of Jesus—is happening […]

Ministry in the Mundane

More often than not, on any day of the week, you will probably find me in the kitchen. I am sure to have frizzy hair and a red, sweaty face. Most likely my dark pants will have a floury handprint or two on them. I may be making a batch of flour tortillas or whipping […]

Here to Help

“The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me.” Psalm 28:7

Lately I feel like God grabbed my ankles, flipped me upside down and shook me until all the loose change of MY priorities, expectations, and unbelief has fallen out of my pockets! “Why?” you might ask. It’s […]

The Amazing Race Against the Sun

At 4:20pm, as I was packing up my toolbox after a day of maintenance in the shop. Isto, one of our Indonesian employees, came to me, “There’s a lady in Malinau having complications with labor, and she needs to get to the hospital in Tarakan.” My first thought was, “No way there’s going to be […]