Author Archives: sdesjardine

Saying Goodbye and Hello

Sometimes it seems like missionary life is one long series of “goodbyes” and “hellos.”

“Goodbye” to family and friends and your home country and culture; “hello” to new teammates, new customs, a new country, and new local friends. Then it’s time for your now-close friends to leave for furlough or move to a different mission […]

One of Those Days

You can never tell what a day will bring no matter where you call home … but this seems to be doubly true when your home is a small island In Indonesia, at least that has been my experience. Some days are a welcome respite, like the rainy, almost cool day we had earlier this […]

A Day in the Life

As the wife of an MAF pilot, I often get asked the question “What do you do all day?”

Here’s a typical day…

4:30 a.m. – The morning call to prayer sounds from several Mosques around our neighborhood, waking me up.

6:00 a.m. – Get up, make breakfast, and pack Chris’s lunch.

7:00 a.m. – Say “good-bye” […]

The Blessing of Family

A familiar smile and the embrace I’ve felt hundreds of times, but have missed so much in the past year and a half, were mine to enjoy for the past three weeks as Chris and I had the privilege of welcoming my Mom into our jungle home for a visit. It was fun to […]

Where You’ll Find Me This Year

I’m the type of person who makes resolutions…you know, a (usually unattainable) list of all the things I want to accomplish, bad habits I want to break, good habits I intend to start. I recently dragged out my list from last year and went down the annual shame spiral as I realized how many lofty […]