Category Archives: Country

Telling the Story

I could tell Roxana was nervous when she first arrived for MAF’s orality training. She, along with pastors and seminary students, participated in our inductive Bible storytelling workshop at ESEPA seminary in San Sebastian, Costa Rica. At the end of the three-day workshop, however, Roxana was a flawless Bible storyteller.

Laura (left) with Roxana.

Her […]

Between Two Worlds, Part 1

We caught up with one of our Moms on a Mission recently to find out what it’s like as an MAF pre-fielder preparing to move and serve overseas. This is the first part of two posts. Q: Can you describe what your days are like as you get ready to leave? Juggling kids, packing, selecting [...]

Asas de Socorro Responds to Flooding in Brazil

Asas de Socorro, the MAF affiliate organization in Brazil, is involved in disaster relief work as parts of the country experience some of the worst flooding in decades. Asas’s amphibious Cessna 206 is conducting relief flights, working in partnership with the Brazilian Civil Defense, local agencies, and churches to assist communities along the Madeira River […]

A Sweet Aroma

My owl “candle” with a tea light in the bottom and scented wax cubes above.

In the mornings, before the bustle begins, I like to light a candle and pour myself a cup of coffee, creating a welcoming and intimate atmosphere for my quiet time with Jesus. Often as I walk through the house […]

Far From Home

My first day in Jakarta, jet-lagged and culture shocked, with Ethan (3 ½) and Ellie (4 months).

In January, on our two year anniversary of living and serving here, a deep homesickness hit me—HARD. This was a different kind of homesickness than what I had periodically experienced since leaving the US. There was […]

On Driving and Thriving: A Letter to my Scooter

Dear Scooter,

We’re such good friends now that this may come as a shock, but here’s the truth.

I didn’t like you at first.

In fact, I fought long, hard and tearfully to keep you out of my life. My husband wanted you from nearly the minute we landed in Indonesia, but not me. People said I’d […]