Category Archives: Country

MAF Unveils New Global Logo

Top: MAF’s new global logo, which updates its historic dove emblem. It will replace the two emblems below. Center: The logo used by MAF-US since 1992. Bottom: The wings-and-Bible design used by MAF in Europe and some other areas.

NAMPA, Idaho – Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) today unveiled a new logo that gives a fresh look […]

Olympic Fever

As if it’s not already hot enough here in the tropics, now we have Olympic fever.

I love watching the Olympics. It’s one of those events that shrinks the world for me. I feel connected to our home country as we – from the other side of the globe – cheer on our fellow Americans.

The Olympics […]

It’s the Little Things

If you ever visit my house, you’ll find a little wooden box sitting on my dresser. There’s nothing too unusual about the box… hand-carved, a few scratches here and there, and “Haiti” engraved on the top. There are hundreds like it, with street vendors on every corner of Port-au-Prince selling them. What makes mine so […]

Praying for Rain

Natural disasters usually come on quickly—when the earthquake happened here in Haiti, there was no warning at all. When the hurricanes come, we often get at least a few hours of notice. But when a drought happens, it’s slow. Subtle. Painfully so.

Last year in Haiti, we didn’t get enough rain. There were some articles […]

Reaching Their Own

How MAF is helping one Congolese church leader spread the Gospel

After landing deep in an isolated area of the Bas-Congo region in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Salazaku Milukiele exits an MAF airplane and transitions to another mode of transportation: a motorcycle. The vehicle is only temporary though, as it will eventually give way […]

Committed to the Call

Congolese people rescued by MAF return to help their country heal

Over the past 50 years, MAF’s ability to evacuate missionaries and humanitarian workers quickly in the event of an uprising has been critical to the survival of the Congolese church and the country’s recovery. And as the Church continues to grow and the country tries to […]