Category Archives: Blog Post

100 Years after the Gospel’s Arrival

Missionaries return to a Congolese village to build on the legacy of their grandparents—and share the love of Christ.

The greeting at Ipope, western DR Congo.

The singing began even before our Cessna Caravan shut down. A few hundred people had gathered in the middle of nowhere on a small dirt and grass strip to […]

Letter to My Future Self

The jet-lagged Holsten family at the start of their furlough.

We’ve been on furlough in the U.S. for a few weeks. It’s been great, but already I find myself needing to reassure my future self.

Dear Natalie of mid-August,

By now, you have enjoyed a few months of all the wondrous things that the Land of […]

Messy Rooms: Struggling with Transition

It was time for my family to leave language school in Salatiga, Central Java, and relocate to the MAF base in Sentani, Papua, on a completely different island of Indonesia. Our lives were packed up again; moving, again. Friends came to say good-bye, and we smiled for the pictures while our hearts were breaking. […]

600 Attend MAF’s 70th Anniversary Celebration

NAMPA, Idaho – Mission Aviation Fellowship celebrated its 70th anniversary Saturday at the organization’s headquarters at the Nampa airport. Some 600 guests attended the open house and enjoyed airplane rides, games, face painting and a breakfast fundraiser.

Grace and Faith Olenik of Nampa enjoy a ride on Petey the Plane during MAF’s 70th anniversary […]