Tag Archives: airstrip

From ‘Mr. Pilot’ to ‘Friend’

MAF pilots are required to regularly inspect the airstrips where we fly to ensure that our standards for runway maintenance are kept appropriately. Last week I went to Ilu to check over the runway. It’s a nice long runway, but it’s perpendicular to the valley, which means there is a tight little turn at about […]

Training Flight Part 2 – Engine Failure

This post is part of a series of blog posts describing a training flight that a new MAF staff person tagged along on. These training flights help prepare MAF pilots for their field assignments overseas. Past posts include How To Convince Yourself It’s Safe To Fly, MAF’s Delicious Landing Procedures, and Preparing For Takeoff.


Just in Time

We hadn’t flown in almost a week. The entire country of Lesotho was hit with a powerful snow storm that left most of our airstrips covered in deep snow, making landing (with wheels anyway!) impossible. Except for Manamaneng. Pamela, one of the nurses there, wanted to get out of the mountains and home to […]

A Welcome Sight

Recently at the MAF Sentani base in Papua, Indonesia, there were big grins all around as two new Quest KODIAK planes arrived for service. Everyone gathered in the hangar to watch the planes as they taxied in, and to get a closer look at the enhancements––especially the ones that were gracing the bellies of each […]

Delivering God’s Grace

I flew MAF airplanes to deliver rice, water, medicine, generators, live calves, snakes, pigs, butchered beef, live chickens, metal roofing, nails, lumber, oil, gasoline, pencils, paper, books, mail, clothes, engineers, nurses, dentists, doctors and, oh yeah, bibles, pastors, preachers and teachers.

At home base, hangar-helpers stuffed it all into the airplane for me. After landing in […]

Raising a Flock of Cessnas?

Editor’s Note: John Miller is a missionary with MAF and today’s post is from one of his letters from the early 1990s when he was serving in Indonesia.

About five years ago the national missionary Gerinok Elabi trekked in to Luban with his family. Just like any foreign missionary, they had to learn the language, battle […]