Category Archives: Relief and Aid

Starving for Fuel, Saving a Life

“The weather is still quite good here and I’d like to pick up the patient,” I relay my intensions to home base, nearly 60 miles away in much poorer weather. “Send fuel when the weather clears,” I add, not being thrilled at the thought of spending the night away from home, but willing if it […]

World Malaria Day: MAF Mitigating Malaria’s Impact

While malaria is easily treatable and usually does not result in death for those infected in most of the world, it remains a leading cause of death in Africa to the tune of 1.2 million people in 20101. That’s why Mission Aviation Fellowship’s presence there is so critical in the fight against this killer disease.

In the Aftermath of an Indonesian Earthquake

When a natural disaster strikes a country where MAF has a base, the hours and days immediately following are critical for the survival of the people suffering from the fallout. Currently, MAF is working to assess the situation following the earthquake in Sumatra, Indonesia.

The following is an account MAF helicopter pilot John Miller recorded after […]

Witnessing a Happy Ending

When MAF pilots make medical evacuation flights they don’t always get to see the happy endings. But when they do, it’s a satisfying flight.

MAF pilot Justin Honaker was closing the rear cargo door before embarking on his first flight of the day to the village of Methaleneng in Lesotho, Africa, when a vaguely familiar face […]

From Remote to Reached

Sometimes when writing about how MAF reaches remote areas, the word “remote” becomes the obligatory adjective of choice. MAF goes to remote places; that’s where our pilots fly. Yet, it’s one thing to write the word “remote”—it’s another to stand there in a remote location and grasp the reality of what that means.

The […]

Change Wells Up in Haiti

On our first day visiting missionaries working in the interior of Haiti, one thing was readily apparent to me: the most effective mission work today is being done by missionaries who have changed the way they have always done things. Instead of creating a crutch for impoverished nationals, they empower nationals to create solutions for […]