Category Archives: Country

With A Little Help From Friends

Last week our family took a trip to the Big City for fingerprinting at the immigration office. Not exactly my first choice for a family outing, but hey, we take what we can get.

Luke getting his fingerprints taken at immigration.

Numerous times over the years, our family has waited in government offices, patiently trying […]

Just in Time

We hadn’t flown in almost a week. The entire country of Lesotho was hit with a powerful snow storm that left most of our airstrips covered in deep snow, making landing (with wheels anyway!) impossible. Except for Manamaneng. Pamela, one of the nurses there, wanted to get out of the mountains and home to […]

Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep …

The dogs barked and woke me up. Again. Don’t get me wrong – this was a good thing. I am grateful that they would likely alert us to nocturnal intruders on our property.

Listening to the whir of the fan overhead, laying still in the dark, my mind wandered. Why do people walk down our street […]

Borneo River Jump

It’s no secret that many of the places MAF operates airplanes around the world tend to have extreme climates. Some of them have very harsh and cold winters, while others have tropical heat and sunshine. I work in the one with lots of heat, humidity, and heat. Think American mid-West in August … but all […]

Jungle Trek

Two MAF pilots on a jungle adventure gain a greater compassion for those they serve

It’s one thing to tell people that airplanes save missionaries days of travel; it’s another to discover it firsthand. Over the past several years, MAF pilots Dave Forney and Paul College have committed to experiencing the jungles of Borneo in Indonesia. […]

Double Vision

How God used a living example to change hearts and save lives

When Paul and Jeannie Burkhart arrived in Papua, Indonesia in 1968 as Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA) missionaries, one thing was clear: Their work would be immensely more difficult without air transportation.

Final approach into Bugalaga. Photo by Becky Fagerlie.

From the Burkharts’ first […]