Category Archives: Blog Post

Extroverts, Introverts, and Pizza

There was a study done on the leadership of pizza franchises: When it comes to making and delivering tasty pizza pies, who is better equipped to lead a franchise, an extrovert or an introvert? The study looked closely at the successes and failures of several restaurants for an extended period of time. The answer to […]

The Pull of the Grandchildren

Natalie’s parents enjoying their grandchildren in Papua.

Sometimes people tell me they couldn’t do what we do, that it must take a special kind of bravery to face the myriad challenges of life overseas.

But I think my parents have the harder job, and a kind of courage all their own. My husband and I […]

Staying Connected

If you’ve read my other posts, you know I love technology: tools that make projects easier and quicker to complete, gadgets that help me keep in touch with family and friends, things that simply make life more “convenient.” These are a big blessing… when they work. This past year has been full of challenges: […]

It Takes A Village – Part 2

Continued from an earlier post…

Working on the Lebakeng airstrip. Photo by Matt Monson.

Despite our best efforts to alert government entities, healthcare workers, and the villagers about the possible airstrip closure if someone didn’t take ownership and fix it, nothing had been done—that is, until now.

On April 24, 80 community members, several clinicians, […]

Mission Aviation Fellowship Releases Software for Creating Educational Materials

NAMPA, Idaho – Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) has released Lumin, a free software program that makes it easy to create digital curriculum, presentations, eBooks, exams and more.

“According to some estimates, 85 percent of the world’s churches are led by people who don’t have any theological or ministry training,” said Elliot Dawson of MAF, who was […]