Category Archives: MK Corner

Leaving Home (and Finding it Again)

Jonathan (center) with his friend, Dani (right), and another friend, Andrew (left).

You know that moment when you’re hugging your friend, and you won’t let them go because you don’t know when you’ll ever see them again? I had quite a few of those moments as I packed my bags, graduated from High School, […]

Four Things I’ve Learned as a Missionary Kid (MK)

Jonathan with his sister and friends enjoying a beautiful waterfall in Papua, Indonesia.

As I’ve just graduated from high school, I’ve spent lots of time looking back on my life as a missionary kid. The people I’ve known, the places I’ve been, and the experiences I’ve had have all taught me something. Here are […]

Friends in High Places

The sunrise was golden. The mountains were beautiful. The plane was cutting smoothly through the crisp air. That’s when my friend, sitting next to me on the small plane, handed me his bag and reached for a sick sack. We were pretty high up, around 8,000 feet, and the small planes MAF flies in Papua […]

Missionary’s Kid or Missionary Kid?

As kids on the mission field we often think that God only calls adults, and the adults drag their kids with them. When we think we are only here because our parents were called, we end up seeing ourselves as a Missionary’s Kid instead of a Missionary Kid. Especially in a big city like Kinshasa, […]

A Change Of Heart In Africa : Part 4 of 4


Continued from a previous post….

That same night, Emily and I went with Mr. Harrell to watch him coach some young boys in soccer—a ministry he and his wife Megan had started themselves.

Coach Rich Harrell with the team.

We watched these boys play on a dirt field, with holes and glass everywhere. And yet, […]