Category Archives: Blog Post

12 Things I Would Tell My Younger Self

Rebecca on an MAF flight to Kampung Baru.

I’m about to enter my tenth year of life in Indonesia and it’s making me feel a bit nostalgic for those early, sweaty, confusing, exciting days when I first came here. But then I remember how far I’ve come and what I’ve learned and how I […]

Beautiful Potential

A green bud emerges.

Walking through my yard recently, I was surprised to see what looked like a flower bud shooting up from my aloe vera plant. I had grown aloe indoors and out many times and had never seen one produce a flower.

I did a little research and learned that aloe does indeed […]

Pressing On Through the Hard Things

“Mom, I just can’t do it!” my son Luke cried out in frustration as he handed me his notebook, Indonesian Bible verses scrawled across the page. His assignment to memorize these verses had overwhelmed him to the point of tears.

I felt his pain. Flashbacks to language school—having to memorize words that made no sense, and […]

A Divine Appointment

Sunday worship at the farm.

We were tired. The MAF Lesotho team went from ten families down to four as our other teammates were on furlough. That left us with three pilots, one of whom was serving as the interim program manager for several weeks. We were spread thin and all of us were […]

Caring for the Sick, As Jesus Commanded

The recent outbreak of Ebola in western Africa has brought attention to the sad state of healthcare in that part of the world. But those who spend any time in Africa are keenly aware of its inadequacies. Few hospitals and doctors … limited access to immunizations, or fear of them … illnesses caused by lack […]

Seasonal Delusional Disorder

It’s September. At least, that’s what the calendar says. Outside, though, here in Papua, it’s screaming July. Hot, humid, tropical, ain’t-no-such-thing-as-fall July.

The end of September launches an annual time of seasonal delusional disorder (SDD) that affects ex-patriates hailing from temperate climates now finding themselves in perpetual summer.

The first stage of SDD is […]