Category Archives: Blog Post

Island Fever

The other day I tried explaining the term “island fever” to one of my best friends as we drove to a reservoir.

“Island fever,” I said. “Is there a term for it in Indonesian? It’s when you’ve been in a small space for too long and need to get away.”

“You mean ‘claustrophobia’?” she asked. […]

The Ability to Go Anywhere

Praying before a flight to Kikwit, west DRC, with the Mennonite Central Committee (MCC).

The beauty of serving with MAF is the ability to go anywhere. You’re probably thinking, “Well, yes, that’s why you have small airplanes,” but that’s not exactly what I mean.

As pilots of MAF aircraft in a developing country we gain […]

When You Just Want to Hide

We had only been living on this little Indonesian island for a couple of weeks, but I noticed it right away. The prolonged stares, every pair of eyes on me in the parking lot as I tried to back out of a difficult spot, people pointing me out to their friends and yelling “Hello Mister,” […]

Boomerang Blessing

Linda (left) and Esther.

Friends of ours, Wes and Esther Dale, live in the interior village of Mamit. They are amazing missionaries from Australia who have served in Papua for many years. So, when Dave asked if I’d like to ride along with him to Mamit, I said, “You bet!”

Esther communicates via humorous […]

Amrit’s House

Amrit’s neighborhood, uncrowded on a Sunday morning.

Ajay, our guide, led Regina and me down an alley in New Delhi, India. The Sunday morning air carried typical India smog in a narrow ribbon of sky above. We stopped, pushed open a narrow wooden door on the left, and entered a small courtyard. Singing, punctuated […]

He Brings Me Through Trials

Our family returned to Indonesia just three weeks ago after a nice furlough time in the United States. I’m not going to lie. It’s been a rough transition back to life in Central Borneo.

We arrived back to our city of Palangkaraya at just the wrong time—smoky season is in full swing. This is the ugliest […]