Category Archives: Country

The Ideal Ministry

When you head overseas on your first assignment, you tend to be full of grand ideals. At least, I was. I was ready to do anything and everything for the Lord––teach underprivileged children, feed the poor, develop relationships with nationals, disciple new and growing Christians.

Eight years into this overseas missionary thing, I can’t say […]

MAF Dedicates Plane for Service in Mexico

Nampa, Idaho – February 20, 2013 – A Cessna 182 aircraft will soon be providing life-saving services to people living in remote areas of Mexico, thanks to a family that discovered Mission Aviation Fellowship on the internet.

At a dedication ceremony held Wednesday, February 20 at the ministry’s headquarters in Nampa, Idaho, MAF staff prayed that […]

Culture Shock!

I studied culture shock in college and read about its various stages: honeymoon, frustration, depression, and acceptance. Graphs showed how you start on the ‘high’ of the honeymoon phase and over time sink down through frustration to depression before eventually bouncing back up to acceptance, thus completing your bumpy culture shock trajectory.

We have been […]

Wearing Kids

The woman bounced down the path, her arms pumping strong on her afternoon jog. She looked so fit. So light. So free.

I did my own bouncing as my 2-week-old baby fussed in the Baby Bjorn strapped to my chest. My 4-year-old son was taking his turn in the stroller. My 2-year-old walked beside me, holding […]