Category Archives: Country

Airborne Encouragement

The game is very simple: fly over Merrill’s house undetected. Practically, that means before she can get to the radio saying she’s spotted me. If I’m spotted before I can pass her house, she wins; get past her house before the familiar “Nice try,” then I win.

It’s quite difficult to win, however—Merrill lives deep in […]

Crisis Averted

The phones started ringing earlier than usual one morning as we were commuting to the office in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). “We have 50 people we need to get out,” said a humanitarian aid worker. “We’re looking at approximately 110 people that may need to be evacuated,” said another caller, an embassy […]

Pray for Indonesia

I have a collection of magnets on my refrigerator. Each magnet serves as reminder of the places I’ve been, the things I’ve seen, the people I love. There are several “Colorado” magnets, reminding me of my homeland and the people I love there. A “Wisconsin” magnet reminds me of going to Oshkosh last year with […]