Category Archives: Blog Post

Water for Living or Living Water?

Dave checking the water tank.

We returned to Mozambique last Tuesday, after our annual family conference in South Africa. With a suitcase full of dirty clothes and that greasy feeling you get from travelling, our first plan upon returning home was starting laundry and taking a shower. That is until we discovered our house’s […]

So, what do you do?

What does the MAF president do?

Someone recently asked me this question, which made me wonder about the perceptions that people hold of those in nonprofit leadership positions, versus the reality.

John speaking at AirVenture.

The title President and CEO sounds quite glamorous. One might imagine that the leader of a global organization like MAF spends […]

Creatures in the Night

It was 2 a.m. In a cloudless sky, a white moon was rising over my concrete house. The city power was turned off here, but the hills to the south were lit up. And for once in Haiti, it was quiet. Except…for my six-month-old son. His familiar cries woke me and I stumbled from my […]

Keeping Faith Fresh

For the past few months our family has had the privilege of discipling some new believers from our football club. It has been life changing to observe the stories and truths of the Holy Bible heard and understood for the very first time. I believe many believers who’ve grown up in the church, like myself, […]

Broken Hearts and Leaving ‘Home’

I scanned the faces of the awards assembly crowd for those I loved best; those I taught in second grade that were now in 10th grade, those that began as awkward 7th graders and were soon to don a cap and gown—students that had captured my heart and helped transform a foreign land into my […]

Aviation Artist’s New Creation Celebrates the Legacy of Mission Aviation Fellowship

OSHKOSH, WI – July 29, 2013 – A new painting by well-known aviation artist Bryan Snuffer celebrates the future of Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) while recognizing the aviation ministry’s historic past.

Currently on display in space 256 at AirVenture, The Path of Saints shows one of MAF’s new KODIAK airplanes flying over the Curaray River in […]