Category Archives: Blog Post

Confessions from Underground

As the last person arrives, the turn of the key locks the gate. The curtains are drawn. We’re all here. All 15 of us. We’re gathered together to worship Jesus as a group … in secret.
This is how our church service begins each week.

We live where freedom of worship is illegal. Where underground churches […]

Who’s In Control?

Lately I feel like God’s gentle hand has highlighted an area of my life where He wants me to go deeper— daily obedience. Recently He has been presenting me with this question: “Who is in control of your life right now?” And I had to answer “me.”

When it comes to the BIG decisions […]

Moving Time

Just when I’m getting the hang of my role as MAF Lesotho’s interim country program manager (PM), I get a curve ball that’s got me reeling. The life of a PM is a big change for a pilot/mechanic who is used to not being tied to the hangar. Now I’ve got an office, a desk, […]

First Day of School in Borneo

I pack Evan’s backpack and hope I remembered everything on the list. This week is my firstborn son’s very first day of school in a two-room schoolhouse on our small island in Indonesia. And I’d hate for my baby to not have his pencil box.

Many things in our lives are normal, like the fact that […]

Constant Change and a Constant Savior

Twenty years of constant change. That’s one way I could describe my experience with MAF.

Over the years, Tanya and I have moved many times, living in nine different countries. That’s a lot of change! But more importantly, the world and this ministry have drastically changed.

• Christianity looks different than it did just decades ago. It’s […]

My New Skill Set

Natalie with two of her kids at the start of a long church service. “Long church service? Bring it, we’re ready!”

Sometimes I imagine a future job interview in the U.S.  The interviewer scans my resume, frowning slightly and tapping a pen on the table.

“Well, Mrs. Holsten,” he says.

“Yes?” I lean forward hopefully.

“I see […]