Category Archives: Blog Post

Giving Christmas

Tears stream down her cheeks. Mine fill up as I am humbled by the simplicity of it all. I’ve just handed my helper a basket of “essentials” as a Christmas gift for her family. Sure, I included a small toy for each of her children, but the rest was toothpaste, shampoo, cleaning supplies, school supplies, […]

President’s Blog: Finishing the Task

I recently had the privilege of attending the Issachar Initiative FTT (Finishing The Task) Conference at Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church in California. The Issachar Initiative is a group of mission organizations who—like Mission Aviation Fellowship—are committed to “finishing the task” of reaching all people groups with the message of the Gospel.  It was wonderful getting […]

Break a Leg to Share the Gospel

Mark Spann (left) hands out Bibles to airport control tower staff. Story photos by Kevin Spann.

When MAF pilot/mechanic Kevin Spann’s parents visited Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo, they had a special mission: to deliver Bibles to all the staff at the airport control tower at Kinshasa’s Ndjili Airport. A fundraiser at their local church, […]

Seeing Through Fresh Eyes

Field Resource Coordinator Kelly does research on a crazy-looking grasshopper in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Story photos by Mark and Kelly Hewes.

The first few days after arriving in a new place are always the most magical. In the far-flung places where MAF serves, surprising smells and exotic sights are around every […]