Tag Archives: Lesotho

Grace & Glory

When I was preparing to move to Lesotho I sat down with some women who have all served overseas as missionaries. In our time of fellowship there was one thing every one of them told me would be most important for my longevity and success…

How true I have discovered this to be. While I love […]

Seeing Double

You can’t be in two places at the same time… or can you?

As a single missionary one of the things I miss most in Lesotho are my single girlfriends and their fellowship. I believe every missionary needs a support team who promises to pray, encourage and hold them accountable; and I have a group that […]

Bought For A Price

Gravity charges a high price for defiance. All aircraft, whether space shuttle, jet airliner or jungle Cessna cost a lot to operate. They need energy to get off the ground, then demand more to stay aloft until they reach their destination, be it International Space Station, Chicago, or the next jungle strip.

NASA spends $450 million […]

What’s in a Name?

Baby Litsitso … a blessing, indeed.

In Lesotho names mean a great deal; they identify clan, character, and can offer hope or be associated with devastation. Seven weeks ago a beautiful baby girl, Litsitso (deet-SEET-so) Elizabeth, was born to proud parents Rethabile and ‘Maseithathi Sello.

This may seem an ordinary birth announcement until you have […]

The Urgency of Ministry

Tonight, while driving the daughter of another MAF family home, we came across a horrific traffic accident. It was dark outside and there was a chaotic pile of cars on the road. We were shocked to see the broken bodies of Basotho men lying on the road. We were astonished by the lack of medical […]