Category Archives: USA


Training Flight Part 2 – Engine Failure

This post is part of a series of blog posts describing a training flight that a new MAF staff person tagged along on. These training flights help prepare MAF pilots for their field assignments overseas. Past posts include How To Convince Yourself It’s Safe To Fly, MAF’s Delicious Landing Procedures, and Preparing For Takeoff.


Preparing For Takeoff

I know you have all been waiting with bated breath to hear what happened since the last Thursday Flyer blog post. Well, I survived the training flight I got to tag along on—not without a few scares orchestrated by the pilots as a part of the training. The next few posts will detail our trek […]

Gasoline and Culture Shock

This is the first of several blog posts regarding the part that culture plays in the missionary experience.

I thought I knew cultures. Born in Scotland, raised in Rhodesia (now called Zimbabwe), lived and worked in South Africa, travelled extensively … I had seen and experienced many ways of life. But I was unprepared for the […]

So Many Issues. So Many Needs.

The call I received the other week was not unusual. It was a woman strongly opposed to abortion who wanted to know what stand MAF was taking on the issue—what this ministry was doing to halt abortion in the U.S.

Mission Aviation Fellowship frequently receives inquiries about our views and actions on various issues. Not just […]