Category Archives: USA


Four Things I Learned from an MAF Mechanic

In talking with one of our aviation maintenance instructors here at MAF headquarters, I discovered that some tips could be applied to life as well. Here are four things I’ve learned about life via plane maintenance.

#1 The Tootsie Roll Theory. Talk to the guys in the maintenance or safety divisions here at MAF headquarters […]

Between Two Worlds, Part 1

We caught up with one of our Moms on a Mission recently to find out what it’s like as an MAF pre-fielder preparing to move and serve overseas. This is the first part of two posts. Q: Can you describe what your days are like as you get ready to leave? Juggling kids, packing, selecting [...]

Cultures and Time

Twenty minutes passed and my patience started running thin. The cycle of flipping through old magazines, checking my phone, and sighing loudly was growing as stale as the coffee in the office lobby I was visiting.

How long was this guy going to take? Doesn’t he know I have things to do?

I am always […]

Preparing for Slippery Cross-Cultural Experiences

How do you peel a banana?

The answer is easy: Just start from the top. However, things get a little more complex when you start talking about which end really is the top. Here in the U.S., the top is the end with the stem. That is how bananas are displayed in grocery stores. That is […]

Training Flight Part 3 – Lava Fields, LASSOs, and Wild Horses

This post is part of a series in which a new MAF staff person tags along (quite bravely, he is a true hero really) on an MAF training flight. These training flights help prepare MAF pilots for their field assignments overseas. Past posts include Preparing For Takeoff and Engine Failure.

Inky black filled the windows of […]