Category Archives: Headquarters

MAF Couple Honored for 50 Years of Marriage and 43 Years of Missionary Service

Nampa Mayor Proclaims Friday, Sept. 26 to be John and Cora Lou Miller Day
Top: John and Cora Lou on their wedding day. Center: The Millers and their two sons in Irian Jaya. Bottom: The Millers with Nampa Mayor Bob Henry.

NAMPA, Idaho — In a special ceremony Wednesday at Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) headquarters, Nampa Mayor […]

MAF Announces Staff Changes at Nampa Headquarters

NAMPA, Idaho – Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) announces several leadership changes at its headquarters in Nampa.

David Fyock is MAF’s new vice president of operations, and will oversee MAF ministry work around the globe. Fyock has been with MAF since 1992. He served for 13 years in various positions […]

So Many Issues. So Many Needs.

The call I received the other week was not unusual. It was a woman strongly opposed to abortion who wanted to know what stand MAF was taking on the issue—what this ministry was doing to halt abortion in the U.S.

Mission Aviation Fellowship frequently receives inquiries about our views and actions on various issues. Not just […]

How do you know?

I have the privilege of spending much time visiting MAF’s friends and supporters, and recently the question came up, “How can I tell if a nonprofit organization is worthy of my support?”.

This is a very good question! If you are like most of us, you likely receive a lot of mail—both snail mail and email—from […]

Remaining Steadfast and Being Strategic

MAF Introduces a New Strategic Plan

Scripture tells us it is wise to plan, but we cannot predict the future. (Ecclesiastes 8:7)

Mission Aviation Fellowship, from its beginning, has been guided by the Holy Spirit speaking to faithful leaders with heart for reaching the lost. In each country where we serve, Godly men and women develop strategic […]