Category Archives: Country

Goodbyes and Indonesian Cream Baths

I tilt my head back in the salon chair and wait for the cold water to hit my head. And all these memories wash over me.

Please excuse my very corny, clichéd analogy—I get this way whenever I move. There’s something comforting about cheesy “Friends are friends forever”-type songs and heart-felt cards written by hand […]

Bakar Batu

In the interior villages of Papua, Indonesia, no holiday or special occasion would be complete without the traditional Bakar Batu feast. The entire community comes together to prepare this meal and many hands are needed to complete the work. Veggies are gathered, a pig is killed, rocks are heated over a fire, and everything is […]

Letter to My Future Self

The jet-lagged Holsten family at the start of their furlough.

We’ve been on furlough in the U.S. for a few weeks. It’s been great, but already I find myself needing to reassure my future self.

Dear Natalie of mid-August,

By now, you have enjoyed a few months of all the wondrous things that the Land of […]