Category Archives: Country

Who Carries Your Stretcher?

Life has been busy for the MAF Lesotho team with some longtime families being reassigned to new locations and a new family arriving in a few weeks. What this meant for me was a long-prayed-for opportunity to be moved from my flat (apartment) into a house—yahoo! I was choosing the colors I wanted to use […]

Never Too Late

“I can still hear in my mind the hooting and chanting as they came along the path,” said centenarian John VanHouten, his hearing keen to pick up what his failing eyesight missed.

“That’s the tribe from the next mountain coming,” one of the villagers told him. “They keep time to their marching as they come along.” […]

MAF’s Hospitality House

Chandra was in bad shape when the MAF plane brought him into the city of Tarakan in Kalimantan, Indonesia. This 13-year-old boy’s arm was badly broken after a fall of 50 feet from a coconut tree.  It became clear after a visit to the local hospital that this would be neither an easy fix nor […]

Where We Call Home

Our family has been living in Indonesia for two years now, and lately I have had to reevaluate what exactly my perspective of “home” is. The truth is, though we have been here for two years, this place doesn’t quite feel like home. Yet. I recently found out that my parents and my best friend’s […]