Author Archives: Jennifer Wolf

Jennifer WolfJennifer Perry Wolf— “Jenn” —has been with Mission Aviation Fellowship since 2010, serving as a writer and resource coordinator in the Ministry Advancement department. She unearths stories from the field, writes for the ministry’s various publications—FlightWatch, Boarding Pass, and the web—and oversees the MAF blog contributors. Jenn has been known to tweet as @whatignitesus and posts on Instagram as Feel free to follow her. And check out her new personal podcast at and her blog at

Fighting for the Forgotten Pygmies

With MAF’s help, an American fighter works to free an enslaved people

After carrying a 120-pound bag of charcoal attached to a strap wrapped around her forehead through the jungle for three miles, the woman held out her hand to receive her wages, her food for the day—a small square of goat fur. One man worked […]

Never Too Late

“I can still hear in my mind the hooting and chanting as they came along the path,” said centenarian John VanHouten, his hearing keen to pick up what his failing eyesight missed.

“That’s the tribe from the next mountain coming,” one of the villagers told him. “They keep time to their marching as they come along.” […]

No Longer Hiding

With MAF’s help, a once-primitive tribe shares the Gospel in the Papuan jungle

MAF Cessna 185 preparing to take off from the rocky airstrip of Mulia. Photo by Dick Martin.

When the MAF airplane first soared over the small village of Mulia in Papua, Indonesia, back in 1958, only the Dani chief was brave enough […]

When Parents Visit the Mission Field

Not every parent is able to make the long trip overseas to visit their grown missionary children, and grandchildren, but for those who can, it’s an eye-opening experience. Three couples who have been to the field share what it is like to see their “kids” in their element—making an impact through MAF.

Natalie’s parents, […]

A Mirror and a Shirt

The Gospel flourishes among the Wano people

“God’s Word showed me I couldn’t live good enough. I had a huge sin debt. The one way is through Jesus alone,” said Liku, a man from the Wano tribe of Indonesia.

Liku shared this revelation with a Mission Aviation Fellowship pilot on the day an MAF KODIAK first landed […]