Author Archives: Jennifer Wolf

Jennifer WolfJennifer Perry Wolf— “Jenn” —has been with Mission Aviation Fellowship since 2010, serving as a writer and resource coordinator in the Ministry Advancement department. She unearths stories from the field, writes for the ministry’s various publications—FlightWatch, Boarding Pass, and the web—and oversees the MAF blog contributors. Jenn has been known to tweet as @whatignitesus and posts on Instagram as Feel free to follow her. And check out her new personal podcast at and her blog at

A Lasting Gift Supports Future Training

Alan Clark and Paul Doolittle had a passion for aviation and a deep respect and appreciation for Mission Aviation Fellowship. And while the gift they left MAF won’t ever get off the ground, it will help future MAF pilots soar when it comes to maintaining their engines …

Being a local aviation enthusiast, Alan was known […]

Defusing Tension

A medevac flight benefits a Congolese village in more ways than one

Tensions were mounting in the Congolese village of Kikongo. A beloved pastor had been suffering from debilitating headaches for more than a week, and people were afraid. Not knowing the cause of his illness, they began to point fingers at their neighbors, wondering if […]