Author Archives: Jennifer Wolf

Jennifer WolfJennifer Perry Wolf— “Jenn” —has been with Mission Aviation Fellowship since 2010, serving as a writer and resource coordinator in the Ministry Advancement department. She unearths stories from the field, writes for the ministry’s various publications—FlightWatch, Boarding Pass, and the web—and oversees the MAF blog contributors. Jenn has been known to tweet as @whatignitesus and posts on Instagram as Feel free to follow her. And check out her new personal podcast at and her blog at

How to Get Coffee in the Mountains of Lesotho

MAF pilots take a treacherous trek to provide a missionary with a much-needed vehicle

“The lore with MAF pilots was, you got a cup of coffee with Merrill if you came to the airstrip,” said MAF mechanic Roger Clark.

And it was true. MAF pilots always looked forward to visiting with Merrill, a missionary with Africa Inland […]

Bringing Life-Changing Care to Haiti

Traveling from her home in Missouri to Haiti every month, for two weeks at a time, Janice Cotrone relies heavily on MAF to get her to La Gonave island quickly and safely. In this way, she can have more time to spend training nurses so they can give compassionate care and be the hands and […]

Out of the Thorns

You are helping a Haitian ministry transform a remote community.

“It’s long enough, but it will never happen,” said MAF pilot John Munsell as he surveyed an area for a possible airstrip.

It seemed unlikely that this patch of land could ever be more than the impossible wall of thorn bushes confronting him. But the people were […]

The Plane Life

“You’d better read this book,” Bill Clapp, an MAF alumnus said 53 years ago, as he handed “Jungle Pilot” to a pretty 19-year-old named Carole. “This is what I want to do.” Bill didn’t own a car, but he did have a plane. The two of them had just returned from a flight to take […]

Unearthing an Enduring Legacy

Nearly 60 years ago, MAF pilot Nate Saint and four other missionaries landed at “Palm Beach” on the Curaray River in Ecuador. Setting foot on the river beach was the next logical step in what the men called “Operation Auca,” after initial attempts from the air to contact the hostile Waorani tribe were deemed positive. […]