Tag Archives: missionary

Wearing Kids

The woman bounced down the path, her arms pumping strong on her afternoon jog. She looked so fit. So light. So free.

I did my own bouncing as my 2-week-old baby fussed in the Baby Bjorn strapped to my chest. My 4-year-old son was taking his turn in the stroller. My 2-year-old walked beside me, holding […]

A Welcome Sight

Recently at the MAF Sentani base in Papua, Indonesia, there were big grins all around as two new Quest KODIAK planes arrived for service. Everyone gathered in the hangar to watch the planes as they taxied in, and to get a closer look at the enhancements––especially the ones that were gracing the bellies of each […]

Losing Power

Everything went dead.

Great, I thought. This power outage would probably last at least eight hours. The list of tasks that needed electricity ran through my mind. No laundry would get done. No email could be sent. No bread would get made—unless of course I wanted to do it by hand. Which I didn’t—not while holding […]

Missionary Badge of Honor

I wear a special badge most days – it’s the Missionary Badge of Honor.  I like my life as a missionary in Southeast Asia.  I relish in the fact that I live in such a crazy and foreign place that looks like something out of National Geographic. I think it’s pretty miraculous that I can […]

A Calf Without A Rope

Editor’s Note: The following story comes from Herb Morgan, the first Canadian pilot to serve with MAF-U.S., first flying in British Guiana (now Guyana) in 1964. He eventually became the executive director of MAF Canada.

I once received a call that a mission station located deep in the interior of British Guiana wanted us to […]

It’s the Little Things

If you ever visit my house, you’ll find a little wooden box sitting on my dresser. There’s nothing too unusual about the box… hand-carved, a few scratches here and there, and “Haiti” engraved on the top. There are hundreds like it, with street vendors on every corner of Port-au-Prince selling them. What makes mine so […]