Tag Archives: mission aviation fellowship

Faithfulness To Your Calling

As we near end of the year, many people take time to reflect on what has happened in their lives and dream about the future.

It’s no different at MAF. In reflecting over the past year, I see how MAF still faithfully responds to the vision God gave this ministry many years ago: to help meet […]

Little Drummer Curtains

“Do you have any costumes that we might be able to use for the shepherds?” Isabelle, the head Sunday school teacher, asked me. We had just finished rehearsal on Tuesday evening, five days before my first Christmas as an adult in Africa. We had only arrived about a month before and I was in the […]

What It Means to Give

Whenever we hear the word “give,” we almost immediately default to hearing “give money.” But on #GivingTuesday, let’s think about the broader picture of what it means to give.

So often, we are presented with opportunities to make financial donations. We assume that we have something to give and “those poor people” don’t.

The truth is, […]

Building Faith in Raising Support

When new candidates enter MAF’s training program, one of the questions that always comes up is this: “How much support do we have to raise?”

It’s an important one for more reasons than you might think.

While MAF has a team dedicated to raising financial support for our operations, each individual missionary family is responsible for raising […]

Move that Muscle

Before I came to Congo, I only talked about stretching in relation to our budget. Lately though, I feel a lot like the stretchy band I exercise with, like I am being pulled vigorously. Adding a new movement to an exercise routine causes discomfort at first, and my muscles protest at being used in a […]

You Can’t Be A Leader Without Followers

Last week Mission Aviation Fellowship observed its Worldwide Day of Prayer. It’s a day when the entire MAF world pauses to lift up the people, places, and partners that we serve around the world.

The theme of the day was Followership and I’ve been pondering that topic. One hears so much about what it takes to […]