Category Archives: FlightWatch

Double Vision

How God used a living example to change hearts and save lives

When Paul and Jeannie Burkhart arrived in Papua, Indonesia in 1968 as Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA) missionaries, one thing was clear: Their work would be immensely more difficult without air transportation.

Final approach into Bugalaga. Photo by Becky Fagerlie.

From the Burkharts’ first […]

Reaching Their Own

How MAF is helping one Congolese church leader spread the Gospel

After landing deep in an isolated area of the Bas-Congo region in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Salazaku Milukiele exits an MAF airplane and transitions to another mode of transportation: a motorcycle. The vehicle is only temporary though, as it will eventually give way […]

Committed to the Call

Congolese people rescued by MAF return to help their country heal

Over the past 50 years, MAF’s ability to evacuate missionaries and humanitarian workers quickly in the event of an uprising has been critical to the survival of the Congolese church and the country’s recovery. And as the Church continues to grow and the country tries to […]

The Word Takes Root

Look up and you’ll see them, perched five to twenty-five meters above the jungle floor: the homes of the Korowai people of eastern Papua, Indonesia.  Around 4,000 Korowai live in the trees, descending to gather food and hunt, but spending much of their lives above the jungle floor.  They’ve built their homes up high out […]