Category Archives: Country

Inside-Out Holds Up

It’s a small personal victory, hoisting the windsock pole over Matekane’s western end with a new windsock proudly unfolding into the brisk winter wind. The windsock pole weighs a ton! Something like my own personal Mount Suribachi for this former Marine turned missionary pilot. Replacing windsocks regularly keeps us safe though, despite the mission to […]

Overcoming Obstacles to Healing

It seemed like the only “help” available for 12-year-old Masha’s painful infection on her shin was either an herbal remedy or a trip to the local witch doctor, neither of which would be considered a legitimate option outside of the developing world.

Masha with family members and American Baptist missionary Rita Chapman (left). Photo […]

Soul Care

A unique perspective on MAF Missionaries and what is often misunderstood about missionary service.

“There is this assumption that missionaries are more spiritual or somehow more holy,” said Robyn Coffman, a licensed Christian counselor. “That is really dangerous.”

Stories of “missionary heroes” dot the shelves of church libraries, pastors’ bookshelves, and Bible college classrooms. It is hard […]