Category Archives: Country

Opportunities to Serve

Story submitted by an MAF missionary serving in Haiti. 


I love reading some of the other MAF families’ blogs and newsletters. They relay stories of how MAF aircraft have impacted lives and communities, or how MAF’s technology solutions are aiding the spread of the Gospel. While aviation and technology are wonderful, powerful tools, it’s the people behind them […]

Nothing’s Gonna Happen

The war shut down almost everything. Our host country, Ecuador, and its neighbor, Peru, fought over a portion of their common boundary. Understandably, the Ecuadorian military prohibited all civilian flying, including ours. No food to school kids. No medicine to health promoters. Neither preachers nor teachers to fledgling believers. The worst? No emergency evacuations. The […]

9-1-1 Kikongo

Missionary Physician Assistant Katherine Niles, with American Baptist International Ministries, serves as the coordinator for the Baptist health/medical work in western Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)—14 hospitals and 5 health zones, which carry out Jesus’s ministry of health and healing. Katherine kindly agreed to share her story with us about how God answered her […]

Gospel Opportunities

MAF pilot Matt Monson in Lesotho shares this story about an opportunity to tell others about Christ. 

Airstrip workers at Semenanyane. Photo by Justin Honaker.

With some of our pilots out on furlough lately, the busy workload here can seem like crashing waves. Discouragement can set in if I focus on the waves that are […]

A Ministry of Reconciliation

Your support means MAF can share Christ’s peace in the midst of turmoil.

An element of MAF’s work—one that is often overshadowed by stories of medical evacuations, Bible translation flight support, disaster relief efforts, and many other exciting ministries—is the way MAF helps spread the peace of Christ simply by being there and diligently serving.

In many […]

Tech Corner: Alphabet Soup

Airplanes are complicated. And to the outsider, it can sound like pilots and maintenance specialists are speaking a different language when they talk about their craft. For instance: “A KODIAK is a single-engine turboprop, STOL aircraft, with a Garmin G1000 display, a special high-lift wing, and a 750 horsepower engine.” Those of you who are […]