Category Archives: Country

Flying in Ecuador: A Fishy Tale

When you fly into remote villages in the jungles of Ecuador, you get all kinds of requests to transport unique objects. So I didn’t think much of the request of two local fishermen to transport a fish they had caught in the massive Pastaza River.

After asking me if I could wait while they fetched the […]

Starving for Fuel, Saving a Life

“The weather is still quite good here and I’d like to pick up the patient,” I relay my intensions to home base, nearly 60 miles away in much poorer weather. “Send fuel when the weather clears,” I add, not being thrilled at the thought of spending the night away from home, but willing if it […]

Hope Deferred, Help Delivered

It was going to be a great Saturday. We were heading to the pool when my husband got the call. There was a woman interior in need of an emergency evacuation. She was having a difficult labor and both her life and the baby’s were at risk if she didn’t get to good medical care fast.

Welcome to […]

MAF Dedicates Missionary Plane for Service in Haiti

Several hundred people gathered in Nampa on Saturday to dedicate MAF’s newest plane, which will serve in Haiti. MAF is a global mission organization which uses aviation and technology to improve the conditions of isolated people around the world. Photo by Colby Dees.

NAMPA, Idaho — Amidst a crowd of several hundred supporters, staff, […]

Nampa Woman Marks 81st Birthday with Ride on Missionary Plane

Betty Burge, and other passengers receive pre-flight instructions from Jeff Turcotte. Photo by Colby Dees.

NAMPA, Idaho — When Betty Burge marked her 81st birthday on Saturday, April 28, she celebrated by taking a ride on a small MAF missionary plane as part of her commitment to “do something outside of the box at least […]

What’s in Your Parenting Toolbox?

As I walked him to the school bus, I gave him a little pep talk: “There’s nothing to be afraid of. Your teacher will help you. The other kids want to be your friends.” But it was of no use; as the school bus pulled up, my five-year-old son kicked and yelled and cried, writhing […]