Category Archives: Blog Post

A Tale of Two Tails

Pebbles scratched the paint. Bigger rocks just turned over in the propeller blast.

But golf- to baseball-sized stones pounded the tail of my airplane. Couldn’t be helped on the gravel strip. Still had to takeoff.

Two boys next to a Cessna 206 at a typical grass airstrip in Ecuador. Photo by Mark and Kelly Hewes.

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2016 MAF Impact Video

Thank you! Because of you lives were changed! In 2016, MAF pilots made 22,495 flights transporting 73,000 passengers and 7.7 million pounds of cargo to over 400 airstrips. MAF technicians operated and maintained 157 VSAT systems, distributed more than 2,100 digital biblical resources, and provided secure email/VPN service to 1,506 clients in 91 countries. Together […]

Flexibility in Responding to Disasters

I recently had the opportunity to train with MAF’s Disaster Response team in order to be prepared when such events arise. There is very little time for decision makers to determine if MAF is equipped to meet the specific needs of a particular disaster response. Once the decision has been made to go, speed is […]