Author Archives: John Boyd

John BoydWelcome to my little corner of the blogosphere. If you want to know what might be swirling around in my head with regards to missions, aviation and the role MAF is playing in all of it, this is the place to visit. I hope to shed some light on the opportunities MAF has to serve God and the amazing things He is doing around the world.I have served as the president of MAF since 2007 and have worked with this wonderful organization in some capacity since 1991. I’ll try to provide context for what MAF is doing through its strategic initiatives and share interesting pieces of information regarding where the organization is headed. That is what I hope to accomplish through this blog. I invite you visit regularly.

MAF Family Conference

MAF recently hosted its annual family conference in Nampa at our headquarters — and let me tell you what a refreshing time it was to reconnect with fellow workers. I’m always encouraged when I have the chance to sit down and talk with our missionaries and really hear what is going on in their hearts.

This […]

The Key to Solving Africa’s Problems

Growing up in Rhodesia, I had the opportunity to experience the magic of Africa. I grew up with Africans, learned the Shona language and saw so much of the things that make this continent alluring. Its diversity in language, culture and climate make it one of the most intriguing places on earth.

It’s an immense continent […]

Holding Fast To God

Some missionaries will tell you that they felt God called them to Africa. But it was different for me. I was just three years old when my family moved from Scotland to Rhodesia, and my Scottish roots were only preserved through the influence of my family. For me, Africa was home.

So when God began preparing […]

Diligence in Safety

I know firsthand how the layers of maintenance and checks by technicians, mechanics and pilots lead to a safe environment for flying.

One morning while I was diligently going through my pre-flight inspection, I noticed that the oil dipstick appeared to have an excessive amount of oil on it. Realizing that this level of oil was […]

Truth Tellers and Grace Givers: Experiencing Effective Leadership

When it comes to Christian leadership, we must be careful to hold our vision up for everyone to see, reminding them of our goal: To become more Christ-like and make disciples as we share the Good News of the Gospel. When Christian leaders focus on becoming more like our savior it ensures that the organization […]

Seeing God in the Chaos

Haiti is one of the most difficult assignments for our MAF missionaries. The lifestyle in Port-au-Prince is challenging. It’s a large metropolitan area with constant traffic, poor infrastructure, and a lack of standard amenities—pot holes that could swallow up small children, intermittent electricity, and congested traffic that makes Los Angeles roads seem like wide open […]