Sep 7 – Sep 13, 2020

Do not be wise in your own eyes;
fear the Lord and shun evil.
-Proverbs 3:7 (NIV)

Monday, September 7
With undivided devotion, we adore You, Abba King Eternal. It’s from You that all wisdom comes-not from ourselves. Help us to walk before You with godly humility, avoiding everything that is wrong, turning away from evil.

Tuesday, September 8
Praise God that MAF was able to fly in some needed food supplies to a small village in Haiti recently after the Haitian ministry, Agape Christian Mission, was ambushed while trying to deliver food by ground. The villagers were showing signs of malnutrition and, due to the effects of COVID-19 lockdown, they had no other way to get the supplies they needed.

Wednesday, September 9
Pray for the men of Lesotho who live in the vicinity of Tlhanyaku village. Most of them believe that Jesus is only for the ladies and not for them. Pray that they will come to understand that Jesus died and rose again for them as well!

Thursday, September 10
Lift up Dan and Karen Carlson, a pilot family who has served with MAF in nine different bases in central Africa. Dan has served as a line pilot, base manager, and chief pilot. The Carlsons have also served as hostel parents to twelve missionary teens. Pray for Karen as she travels back and forth between the US and the Democratic Republic of the Congo in order to attend to family matters.

Friday, September 11
Pray for the MAF board of directors on their second day of meeting via Zoom calls. Pray for clear connections and good communication, despite a less-than-ideal way to meet. Pray also for a good board chapel with the MAF family around the world, also via Zoom. Ask for Yahweh’s clear leading and anointing of each board member.

Saturday, September 12
Lift up David and Patricia Carwell, serving in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Their ministry multiplies the effectiveness of the indigenous Haitian Church and foreign missionaries by providing safe and reliable air transportation to the remote places of Haiti. David serves as a pilot and also manages the team of expat families and national employees. Patricia is a full-time homemaker caring for their three children, who attend a french-speaking school. Pray that the entire family with shine with Christ’s light and love to their community.

Sunday, September 13
There are several MAF staff members serving in Central Asia who have been separated from their families for months due to COVID-19 travel restrictions. Pray also for two national staff who are very sick right now.

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