Ordinary Days

Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from Him.”  Psalm 62:5

D Klynstra Ordinary Day

The journey here began surrounded by friends, churches, supporters and family. We were blessed to have people cheering us along the way as we went from state to state and church to church to tell others of His call in our lives. We showed videos of the amazing work God was doing through our organization. We were hugged, loved, prayed over and sent on our way to serve overseas. Though language school was difficult, it still felt like a part of ministry work by going to school and building relationships. With so many new things happening, it was easy to put together a weekly prayer and praise update.

Another move and life changed, again. Now at our assigned base in Papua, my husband heads off to work on airplanes, my kids go to school, and I look around and hear the lies that I am not doing enough. There’s no music, no fanfare, no pats on the back. I fall into a rut that tells me cooking, shopping, and cleaning have nothing to do with Kingdom work.

Then God steps in and through His Word pushes back the lies, tells of His love for me. He uses friends, churches, supporters and family to remind me of their prayers and care for our lives, even from far away. I begin to see that the ordinary day overseas, or in my home country, is an act of love towards Him when done while walking in His Spirit. So, maybe it’s time to turn up the music and celebrate my way through ordinary days.


  • Our beautiful daughter .. Love you so much! Happy Birthday Ben !!!

    Love, Mom & Dad XXXOOO

  • Jean Wunsch says:

    How true it is, Deb. Life and home making is so much more labor intensive overseas and takes an enormous amount of time and intentional effort to keep your family fed.

    I also found that a well prepared meal in a loving atmosphere is a wonderful way to minister to weary laborers around you, who are passing through the big city, to hear about their work, listen to their hearts and pray with them. It was a real blessing to me to be able to stay at home and be there for my kids when they came home from school, to make special treats, and even host a ladies Bible study or prayer group in my home during the day.
    You look so lovely in the picture!!! Wish I could visit.

    • Debbie says:

      Always love your jewels of wisdom Jean. Thanks for walking us through this journey and sharing with us all God has taught you and how we can shine for Him wherever we are. You are a treasure to us. x o

  • Nancy Hawes says:

    Just had to share this on fb; so well put. His Will for us often is found in the daily routines of life. Elisabeth Elliot used to remind us that she was just as much doing ministry when preparing soup for Lars as when she was speaking before a large crowd. Thanks for sharing your heart and for your transparency!

  • joan kimmey says:

    Debbie, I love to keep house and always did. For all the wonderful things God has given me to care for. I try to make those who visit feel welcome and enjoy also what God has allowed. Bringing up children, caring for a husband and doing errands and chores are an experience to learn and to teach others. God has given us HIS love of family.

  • Carol Ngunta says:

    Hi Deb, my husband and I are missionaries working with SIM in Mali. I relate to “ordinary days,” sometimes it really is all
    about NOT believing the lies, isn’t it! We praise God for the encouragement you have from others!! Blessings as you continue serving the One who is at the center of your “ordinary days.” Thanks for sharing your heart!

  • Darcia says:

    Your role as a mom and wife are enough. How great it must be for your children and husband to know they will come home to a loving a caring person who will listen to all the details of their day.

  • Lynda says:

    Hi Debbie, Your laundry area reminds me of ours here in Mexico, out in the elements. Just keeping that outside area clean takes extra time. Satan would have us feel useless and ordinary but our extraordinary God uses us, ordinary people, living ordinary lives, surrendered to Him to accomplish His mission to reach the world. How blessed we are. Thank you for leaving the comfortable and going to serve. Have a blessed day!

  • Julie says:

    Hello beautiful friend! Such a lovely picture of you!!! I loved your words as well. It is definitely easy for me to relate to the desire for significance in the midst of the daily dailys. Praying for you…Missing you! Wish we could come help celebrate Ben’s birthday!

  • Bill Clapp says:

    I love your honesty. Yes, ordinary days are the greater part of a wife’s, mother’s, missionaries’ life. I found a secret that helped on many of those ordinary days that helped no matter which country, culture or situation. My God is GREAT and He is in control! And my life is planned by Him. My job is to stay close to Him and find His joy. I often failed in my job but He never has in His love and grace. Your smile is beautiful. Use it for His glory!

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