Feeding Pak Aki

There is something I do daily that gives me a small measure of joy. I fix a simple meal for our yard guy. It’s never anything fancy – noodles or reheated leftovers and instant coffee. I call him (and call him and call him – he’s quite deaf) to come and “Makan!” (eat!). His weathered fingers brush mine as I hand over the plate. “Tuuuhhh-reeeema kasih” he drawls in a deep voice that belies his small stature. Thank you.


What is it that gives me such joy in this simple act? Is it because he makes me think of elderly family members – my grandfather, for instance – and how I’d like to be able to serve him a meal? Maybe it’s because I think, “well, if I blow it in every other area of my life today, I have at least given an elderly man a hot meal.” Maybe I think of those I wish I could help but don’t know how – like all of Pos 7 (our neighborhood) – and so by feeding Aki I feel like I’m helping them, too.

Sometimes I’m tempted to think I’m not doing enough “big” things for the Lord. But He hasn’t called most of us to big things. Jesus, when speaking with the disciples, or with the crowds, spoke primarily about small, everyday things. Mustard seeds, yeast, pearls, sparrows, flowers. And he spent most of his time not with the big crowds, and not even the twelve disciples, but three guys – Peter, James, and John.

I’ve been challenged lately to stop wasting time worrying that I’m not doing enough of the big stuff, but instead focus on the few, and the everyday opportunity to bless and help others. We can look at those small acts of kindness we have the opportunity to perform every day – cooking a meal, reading to a child, hugging a friend – and offer them to the Lord.


  • June Erlandson says:

    I always appreciate Natalie’s writing. Her heart matches her words & cause me to think…weep & sometimes LOL

  • Trina Crescenzi says:

    Thank you, Natalie! This was beautiful & I needed to hear it so much!

  • Amelia McDonald says:

    Oh Natalie: You simply shared what we all need to remember, as we share Jesus with others. Thank you so much! We need to recall how Jesus ministered to others, and it really isn’t a huge deal. He met people right where they are, and met their needs. You are a blessing! May your life over flow with many more blessings!

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