Category Archives: Devotional

Hanging By A Thread

I hung over the Amazon jungle intent on finding my destination, worried about a weather change, calculating fuel left in the tanks, and wondering if my passengers there would be ready. Hung? As in suspended? How many hours had I flown that way without ever considering just what, exactly, held me up? To what did […]

Missionary Badge of Honor

I wear a special badge most days – it’s the Missionary Badge of Honor.  I like my life as a missionary in Southeast Asia.  I relish in the fact that I live in such a crazy and foreign place that looks like something out of National Geographic. I think it’s pretty miraculous that I can […]

We’re All On A Mission

I entered the village where the École des Femmes (School for Women) meets, and greeted the chief and the instructors. I had been invited to share a short message with the women. My missionary friend who runs the school had informed me that the women I would be meeting had already made professions of faith […]

Chalk One Up To The Ants

Ants. I’ve experienced them in the hot and humid coastal areas of Indonesia, but now we’ve moved to a dryer climate at 5150 feet elevation. To my surprise, my kitchen was overrun with the little black vermin! If I so much as dropped a crumb, there they were! Usually as I adjust to […]

First Valentine

I inhabited the sky that day. Jesus let me play with clouds, soar with eagles and race the wind. He showed me sights that multitudes dreamt of, many yearned for, but few realized. Clearly He cared enough to grant my deepest desires.

So why was I angry?

A few minutes before, I was cruising west, high in […]