Category Archives: Blog Post

Coming to Serve

What is it worth to see unreached people experience the love of Jesus?


“Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God.”

William Carey, the father of modern missions, closed his first sermon at a missionary society in London with this quote—and with it set the tone for the new wave of Protestant missions that would […]

Come to the Table

You are helping MAF serve the physical needs of isolated people.


Jesus has striking words for guests at a party thrown by an important Pharisee.

“But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection […]

Solo yet Not Alone

Story by Jeremy Toews, an MAF pilot in Kalimantan, Indonesia.

As I walked out to the little red and white airplane loaded floor-to-ceiling for my first solo flight as an MAF pilot in Borneo, I found it hard to believe the day had finally come. My first assignment was to deliver 730 pounds of supplies to […]

From the President’s Desk … Christmas Musings

What makes Christmas … well, Christmas? Is it the wonderful music, the gifts, the food, the lights, or the cold nip in the air?

What if all of those were taken away?

Even before I became a Christian, Christmas was a special time for me. I remember the yuletides in my childhood home in Scotland and Rhodesia. […]

Lightning Reminders

It’s almost Christmas, and while in North America winter is coming, here at the equator it’s a different story. It’s the start of West Wind Season, which means we see an uptick in windy, stormy weather.

Last night it stormed. One of those delicious thunderstorms that comes on the heels of an oppressively hot day. The […]