September 14 – 20, 2015

“You have made known to me the ways of life; You will fill me [infusing my soul] with joy with Your presence.” — Acts 2:28 (AMP)

Priorities for Prayer

  • Monday, September 14

    Praise the Lord that He infuses our soul with the joy of His presence as He makes known to us the ways of living His abundant life.

  • Tuesday, September 15

    Pray for Beth Fennema, with her daughter, Dakotah, as they serve with Mission Aviation Fellowship in Lesotho, Africa. Beth teaches children of missionaries at Kingdom Christian Academy, a shool she helped launch in 2014.

  • Wednesday, September 16

    Please pray for the MAF team in Angola where they have started a flying doctor service to the far south eastern corner of the country with partners from SIM and the Evangelical Congregational Church in Angola on a monthly basis.

  • Thursday, September 17

    Please pray for Tripp and Heather Flythe with their four children in Kalimantan, Indonesia. Tripp flies MAF planes to needy villages in the heart of Borneo. Heather enjoys doing community outreach to orphans, women, and neighborhood children.

  • Friday, September 18

    It took two years, but the new Aerocet floats for the KODIAK have finally been approved by the FAA. Please pray that if it is God’s will that MAF will have an amphibious KODIAK serving in Palangkaraya, Indonesia by the end of the year.

  • Saturday, September 19

    Recently MAF flew a group of local missionaries to western Mongolia. From there they crossed the border into Siberia. It was such an encouragement to the Mongolian missionaries that a number of people from this Altai region listened and responded when the Gospel message was shared by their cousins from the south.

  • Sunday, September 20

    It has been two years in the making, but the Haiti program now has a taxiway to connect their relocated hangar to the ramp area. This means that MAF’s airplanes will no longer travel over rough dirt areas. They are grateful for all those who prayed and gave financially to the project. Pray for all the passengers and MAF staff who use this new taxiway that God’s Kingdom purposes will be accomplished in amazing ways.

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