November 20 – November 26, 2017

We are grateful to you for your prayerful involvement with MAF!
~Linda Whiting

“I love You fervently and devotedly, O LORD, my Strength.”Psalms 18:1 (AMPC)


  • Monday, Nov. 20

    “Exuberantly express your gratefulness to God. Praise Him in unique and new ways.”

  • Tuesday, Nov. 21

    “The aircraft maintenance workload is quite high right now for the team in Lesotho, Africa. Pray for God’s enabling strength and persistent diligence to complete the major inspections and projects.”

  • Wednesday, Nov. 22

    “Praise the LORD for an excellent MAF Day of Prayer last Wednesday. He met us in real ways—unifying, encouraging, and strengthening.”

  • Thursday, Nov. 23

    “Lift up Tim and Kay Dyk, missionaries with MAF since 1982. They began their overseas ministry in Zaire, now known as the Democratic Republic of Congo. Currently, Tim manages the Avionics department at MAF’s headquarters in Nampa and provides electronic support of all MAF overseas locations. Please pray for more qualified staff to help in his busy avionics shop. Kay is the friendly voice you’ll hear when you call MAF most afternoons.”

  • Friday, Nov. 24

    “Praise God that recently installed solar panels in an MAF residential compound in South Sudan provides 90% of the power on a sunny day. They will reduce fuel bills for the generators by at least 40%.”

  • Saturday, Nov. 25

    “Lift up Rodney and Tammi Dyrud and their two children as they travel to raise financial support. Rodney is an MAF aircraft maintenance specialist and he oversees the aircraft parts used to repair and outfit the MAF fleet for overseas service. Tammi home-schools their children and is involved in refugee ministries.”

  • Sunday, Nov. 26

    “Please pray for discernment and encouragement for the MAF Marketing & Communication team. Pray that through their fundraising efforts, we can close the gap on the 2017 financial needs for the ministry. We hope to end 2017 fully funded and ready to tackle 2018’s financial needs.”

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