“Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God – children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.”— John 1:12-13 (NIV 1984)
“Faith and prayer are the vitamins of the soul;man cannot live in health without them.”— Mahalia Jackson
Priorities for Prayer
Mission Aviation Fellowship is grateful for the many friends who pray daily for this ministry. Thank you for your faithful intercession!
- Monday, August 12
Praise God that the MAF-Learning Technologies team in Costa Rica was able to distribute to pastors flash drives containing a complete digital library with movies, audios, various Bible versions, Bible commentaries, books, and other key resources—all in the Spanish language. - Tuesday, August 13
Please lift up Jennifer Johnson, grants and foundations administrator at MAF HQ in Nampa, Idaho. Pray that she will be fruitful in the many ministry areas in which she is involved. - Wednesday, August 14
Continue to pray for protection for MAF staff serving in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Pray too for local people who have been displaced by violence in these unstable times. - Thursday, August 15
Pray for the new MAF pilot/mechanics going through the final stages of flight orientation and preparing for their first overseas assignments. - Friday, August 16
Give thanks for Audi Tumbelaka who just retired after 30 years of service with MAF in Papua, Indonesia. Pray that he will find joy in his retirement. - Saturday, August 17
Pray for MAF pilots as they fly indigenous pastors and church leaders from one village to another. Pray for new believers and the pastors who are discipling them. - Sunday, August 18
Pray for a denomination in Papua, Indonesia, that is experiencing much conflict due to the presence within the church of a radical separatist element with its own non-Christian agenda. Pray that Godly people will not be led astray and that peace will reign over strife that is damaging the church there.