April 22 – April 28, 2019

When we were baptized, we were buried with Christ and shared his death. So, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the wonderful power of the Father, we also can live a new life.
-Romans 6:4 (NCV)

Monday, April 22
Thank You, Heavenly Father, for raising Christ from the dead with Your almighty power. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for paying for our sins on the cross. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for filling us with Your amazing life in Your presence. We are grateful for new life, made possible by You!

Tuesday, April 23
The Ebola virus continues to spread in the northeastern region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The World Health Organization reports 1,264 Ebola cases and 814 deaths. Please pray for God’s healing for patients and protection for their families, health workers, and MAF staff.

Wednesday, April 24
Pray for each one of the 131 airplanes MAF operates worldwide. Ask for the Lord’s blessing on each flight and every aircraft inspection. Pray for the pilots, mechanics, airstrip workers, and passengers who use this fleet. May their lives bring glory to God.

Thursday, April 25
Lift up Roger and Barbara Clark, an MAF mechanic family who served in Lesotho, Africa. Currently Roger is a maintenance specialist at the MAF headquarters in Nampa, preparing aircraft for the field. Praise God for continuing to work His plan in the Clark family.

Friday, April 26
Praise God that MAF Madagascar was able to fly 375,200 doses of measles vaccines recently. May each person who receives one of these vaccinations be blessed with good health both physically and spiritually as they trust God for their well being.

Saturday, April 27
Lift up Paul and Beth College, a pilot/mechanic family who are currently serving remotely on the MAF Member Care team. Pray for the College family as they prepare to go on a short-term overseas assignment. Pray for health, Christ’s peace, and His provision as they pack and make arrangements.

Sunday, April 28
The MAF Chad team is waiting for aircraft parts to arrive so they can complete an inspection and get an airplane back on the flight line. Pray that the parts arrive and clear customs soon.

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