April 2 – April 8, 2018

So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!”
—2 Corinthians 5:20 (NLT)

Monday, April 2
Children around the world are intrigued with the idea of being a pilot. Heavenly Father, would You clearly call another generation of Christ-following men and women to serve as Your ambassadors with MAF?!

Tuesday, April 3
Praise God for generous donors who are making it possible for MAF to respond to the eastern DRC IDP (internally displaced people) refugee crisis, specifically in Bunia. Please continue to pray for these Congolese who are fleeing violence.

Wednesday, April 4
MAF Papua New Guinea (PNG) continues to be involved in supporting the relief efforts following the February 26th earthquake. Last month, tons of vegetables and other supplies were donated by the community members around Mt. Hagen and transported to those most in need.

Thursday, April 5
Lift up Dave and Donna Jacobsson, a pilot/mechanic family who have served with MAF for 30 years, mostly in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Currently Dave is working as a maintenance specialist at MAF headquarters in Idaho while their youngest son completes high school. Pray for them through the transitions and adjustments of life back in the US.

Friday, April 6
Please pray that the weather will cooperate to get the MAF Uganda runway completely repaired and re-graveled.

Saturday, April 7
Lift up Mike and Angie Johnson, an aircraft maintenance specialist family serving with MAF in Kalimantan, Indonesia. Pray for Mike as he juggles adding the new role as director of quality for the entire region of Indonesia besides being the maintenance manager in Tarakan.

Sunday, April 8
Pray for the safety of MAF families as they serve in difficult places. Pray also that today would be a good day of refreshment and rest from a busy week.

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