What it’s like to be an MAF MK Teacher

What’s it like to teach MAF MKs (missionary kids) at a small school in Kalimantan, Indonesia, on the tropical island of Borneo? Well, class is in session, so let’s just show you.

You’ll get to…

  • Work with sweet kids and have a great student-to-teacher ratio. This is the combined class of 3rd, 4th and 6th grades.
  • Experience wildlife outside and inside the classroom. This monitor lizard showed up in the school room one morning. (Incidentally, the kids had prayed for one. The teachers? Not so much.)
  • Wear cool matching uniforms with lively Indonesian prints. (Teachers Mary Epp, left, and Lynne Bontrager, right).
  • Catch up on the latest episode of “What’s in the Bible?” during weekly chapel.
  • Have lunch around the ping-pong/dining table with special guests on Bring Your Dad to School Day.
  • Cool off on Water Games Day by playing Dribble, Dribble, Drench.
  • “Sleep in” and wear your comfiest on Pajamas Day.
  • Or grow some facial hair for Mustache Day.
  • Travel to and from school and around town on a super-hip scooter!

There you have it. All this and on a beautiful, tropical island. Doesn’t that sound inviting? Learn the ABCs about serving overseas as an MAF MK teacher, and explore current openings at https://www.maf.org/serve/serve-overseas/education.

Class dismissed!

Thanks to Lynne Bontrager and Mary Epp for sharing their photos.

1 Comment

  • Judy (Moss) Smith says:

    Reg & Mary,
    Our son & his family are serving in Indonesia with New Tribes Mission. They will be in Papua. They just finished a year of language training in Salatiga, Central Java. They are headed to Jayapura, Papua as soon as they get their visas. We spent 4 weeks with them in January. It was great to see where they were, meet some co-workers, see some of the island of Java.
    Judy (Moss) Smith (sister of Julie Moss)

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