Category Archives: FlightWatch

Remembering a Faithful Airplane

An Indonesian woman remembers the impact a small red and white airplane made on her life—and the lives of so many others.


“When I was little, I wondered how an airplane could fly if it couldn’t breathe,” said Yunike Hermanus.

Yunike and I were talking about the Cessna 185 with the affectionate name of “Charlie Brown” that […]

A Ministry of Reconciliation

Your support means MAF can share Christ’s peace in the midst of turmoil.

An element of MAF’s work—one that is often overshadowed by stories of medical evacuations, Bible translation flight support, disaster relief efforts, and many other exciting ministries—is the way MAF helps spread the peace of Christ simply by being there and diligently serving.

In many […]

Tech Corner: Alphabet Soup

Airplanes are complicated. And to the outsider, it can sound like pilots and maintenance specialists are speaking a different language when they talk about their craft. For instance: “A KODIAK is a single-engine turboprop, STOL aircraft, with a Garmin G1000 display, a special high-lift wing, and a 750 horsepower engine.” Those of you who are […]

Overcoming Obstacles to Healing

It seemed like the only “help” available for 12-year-old Masha’s painful infection on her shin was either an herbal remedy or a trip to the local witch doctor, neither of which would be considered a legitimate option outside of the developing world.

Masha with family members and American Baptist missionary Rita Chapman (left). Photo […]

Soul Care

A unique perspective on MAF Missionaries and what is often misunderstood about missionary service.

“There is this assumption that missionaries are more spiritual or somehow more holy,” said Robyn Coffman, a licensed Christian counselor. “That is really dangerous.”

Stories of “missionary heroes” dot the shelves of church libraries, pastors’ bookshelves, and Bible college classrooms. It is hard […]