Category Archives: Indonesia


Right Place, Right Time

The day the eclipse was…eclipsed

For once, it seemed like I was in the right place at the right time. Palangkaraya, Indonesia. One of a handful of places in the world where a rare full solar eclipse could be seen last week.

And I’m a girl who can’t resist Right Moments.

Tourists and scientists from around the world […]

To Every Tribe

How your partnership is introducing a remote, primitive tribe to Jesus                                             

When Petrus Giay, an Indonesian missionary, finally found the Weserau tribe deep in the mountainous interior of Papua, Indonesia, he wasn’t welcomed with open arms. It was obvious by their primitive garments made of bark, and their fear, that this tribe had little contact […]

My Third-Culture Kid

Our oldest son Carter is a senior, and recently we were talking through an essay he had to write for a scholarship application. I suggested he write about some of the challenges of overseas living.

“Like what?”

I thought for a moment. “Oh, you know, like the electricity. How it’s always going off.”

He shrugged. “Then it comes […]

My Own River

I take a sip of the sweet pink juice my neighbor offers me and ask her where she’s from.

She says a name of a place in Borneo.

“Oh, where is that village?” I say.

“It’s not a village. It’s a river.”

Of course. Kalimantan (the Indonesian name for Borneo) is known as the “land of a thousand rivers,” and […]