Category Archives: Disaster

Mission Aviation Fellowship and New Tribes Mission provide desperately needed aid to remote Philippine islands

Organizations team up to bring food, water, and other critical supplies to those suffering following Typhoon Haiyan
The NTM/MAF team delivers rice and tarps to the island of Concepcion in the Philippines. Photo by Vaughan Woodward.

CUYO, Philippines — Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) and New Tribes Mission (NTM) are working hand-in-hand to deliver food, clean water, and […]

Helping Victims of Haiyan—What Can You Do?

Typhoon Haiyan struck the Philippines with nearly unprecedented force—leaving thousands dead and hundreds of thousands impacted. In the wake of such a tragedy, people and organizations across the world were asking the question: “What can we do?”

How MAF is helping

Mission Aviation Fellowship sent disaster response personnel to the Philippines to assess the situation and determine […]

MAF Work Vital to Rebuilding Efforts in Haiti

Two Years after Quake, MAF Enables the Work of some 30 Relief Agencies

MAF Haiti personnel load a plane with food, including Manna Packs, specially formulated food packets for people on starvation diets. Photo by John W.

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti – Two years after a devastating earthquake crippled Haiti and killed thousands, Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) remains actively […]